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Whores for the New World Order: Exposés of the Establishment Media, 1996-2006

by Michael A. Hoffman II, former reporter, New York bureau of the Associated Press

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Bombing the Competition

NATO Bombs Serb TV Station

The Psychological Warfare Techniques of the U.S. Media

Michael Kennedy: The Favorite of the Media Jackals

When Is Terror Not Terror?

The Hamas Jerusalem Bombing(s) of July 30, 1997 in Context

New York Times Won't Call a Pogrom a Pogrom

English Reporter Reveals Depth of Media and Government Treachery in the U.S.

Zionist Mafia Takes Over Ukrainian Television

Associated Press Villifies Conservative German Christian Activist as "Neo-Nazi"

Media Reports About Muslim Threats against Rushdie Ignore Jewish Threats against Revisionist Writers

Forever Haunted by Gas Chamber Ghosts

Dossier on Local Spokane and North Idaho Media:

A Bad Day for the Carrion

When Zionist Terrorists Come to Town

Puttin' the Sceer on 'em: North Idaho Media's Obsession with Neo-Nazis

Spokane's Spokesman Review Hits New Low--Allows Prosecution Witness to Report on Defendants' Trial

The Spokane, Washington Spokesman-Review:  The Voice of Big Brother

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Copyright©1999-2006 by Michael A. Hoffman II