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The NATO Kosher Nostra's Grand Strategy:

Bombing for Peace

by Michael A. Hoffman II

Hoffman Wire, March 29, 1999

Lately America's message has been that violence can be used to achieve peace as long as the targets of the violence are out-groups like Iraqi Arabs and Serbian Slavs.

Bombing for peace is like having coitus for virginity. Something like that aphorism was circulated in a more vulgar form during the Vietnam era, but Klinton and broad segments of the Woodstock Generation now running the Democrat Party seem to have forgotten it or, more likely, sent it down the already vastly crowded memory hole of George Orwell.

On Sunday March 28 one of the major networks headlined its coverage of NATO's aerial bombardment of the Serbs, "War for Peace." I had to rub my eyes to be certain I really was reading those words on the newsie's TV screen and that this wasn't actually a commercial for "Saturday Night Live" or some other comedy show. But the network was in earnest. This is the Orwellian name they are giving to their news coverage of NATO's onslaught.

In Orwell's prophetic novel, "1984," one of the slogans of the militaristic Big Brother tyranny which takes command of one half of the world is, "War is Peace." It appears that Orwell's dystopia is here, operating out of the Rockefeller Center media hub in New York City even as the New York-based media sneer at Belgrade television as "state propaganda." But what could be more propagandistic than declaring that war is peace or that one may bomb civilians to achieve peace?

Klinton has attempted to sell the American people on the idea of the instant war and the quick fix, a strategy that might work well in a war on Disneyland, but is a pathetic joke in relation to the Serbian nation whose ancestors fought Ottoman-Turks for five centuries and whose saints, patriarchs and ikons are steeped in the lore of resistance and martyrdom.

If Klinton and Co. had really wanted to pacify Yugoslavia they should have done it the more traditional American way, by infusing fiber optic cables full of video porn, creating a stock market, marketing junk food and importing millions of unassimiable "minorities" from Asia, Africa and Latin America. Perhaps then the Serbs might, in a few decades, deteriorate to the level of contemporary Americans.


A woman, burned by an April 14, 1999 NATO bombing in Kosovo, struggles to take a few drops of water

But to expect that terror-bombing apartment blocs will win the age-old battle for hearts and minds is the kind of ham-handed "master strategy" practiced by the Israeli Likud of Shamir, Sharon and Netanyahu and their ass-kissin' cousins in the White House Kosher Nostra--Cohen, Berger and Madeline Halfbright.

The NATO bombardment of Belgrade, the first European capital to be attacked by air since World War Two, is all about pushing the envelope and establishing precedent for American emperor-presidents to use US taxpayer billions to establish the One World imperium, even as schools, highways, bridges, mass transit systems and medical care in America crumble.

Recently I had lunch with a prominent local patriot who is a friend of Idaho's Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth.This patriot had recently spoken with Chenoweth about the Panama Canal and about alleged Chinese missile emplacements nearby. Along with recent conservative Republican talk of a "missile gap" comes this idea that US forces need to "defend" against Red Chinese incursions in Central America.

These outdated Cold War concepts get recycled more often than aluminum cans at the county dump station. Uncle Sam's missiles are already under the virtual control of agents of the Chinese Communists, who George C. Marshal helped put into power, Harry Truman kept in power and Richard Nixon rewarded while in power.

The agents of the U.S. government have only one motive: commerce. Their souls, their children and their future are all willingly proffered on the auction block of mammon. Duty, loyalty and honor, the old virtues, no longer apply.

Vietnam Vets of my acquaintance first taught me that harsh fact, in particular Louis Beam, who flew two tours for Uncle Shmuel in Indochina, hanging out the door of a medivac helicopter with a 50 calibre machine gun, for which he received the Distinguished Flying Cross. He then returned home and gave speeches excoriating Henry Kissinger for selling Vietnam vets out. Beam was then charged with "sedition," placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List and hunted by the Feds as the most dangerous man in America.

Uncle Sam's whorehouse has a permanent motto, "What have you done for me lately?" Even erstwhile U.S. hero George Armstrong Custer was sold down the river when his memory and that of the other 262 troopers of the 7th Cavalry was removed from the former Custer Battlefield National Monument in Montana. Out of deference to the Indians who killed Custer, the Federal government excised his name from the national park's title.

So it is with the Serbs who, during the Second World War, were the apple of the Allied eye as they held off 20 Axis divisions of one of the greatest armies that ever marched. But with the death of the Yugoslav Communist dictator Josip Broz "Tito" and the New World Order he enforced, some of the shine has gone off that apple as Serbs have become the paradigm of nationalism on ethnic-religious lines.

Ethnic-religious solidarity and patriotism however, are reserved for the Israelis alone. Only they are entitled to the prerogatives of nationalism. Every other nation must hop into the "melting pot" and succumb to the deracinated culture of the Shylock's empire of usury: baseball, Budweiser and the boob-tube.

So while the American sports networks broadcast warm, fuzzy images of Communist dictator Fidel Castro at the ol' ballgame, let's not get sucked into the conservatives' misplaced concerns about "missile gaps" or "Chinese Reds near Panama."

Aliens who are deadly enemies of the American Republic our Forefathers founded have a stranglehold on the U.S. military right now, as the tragic, "bombing for peace" farce in Kosovo amply demonstrates. The U.S. government's war on the Serbs is just a prelude to the war they yearn to get going right here in America against our own people; a war Louis Freeh, Janet Reno and Bill Lann Lee have already initiated on a "low intensity" basis against anti-abortion activists, white separatists, Christian Identity adherents and Arab-Americans.

Missile gap? I hope so. I hope every weapon in the U.S. government's arsenal will disappear. Perhaps then we can begin to shut down Uncle Sam's whorehouse for good.

In the slums of the West Bank and Gaza in occupied Palestine, and in Londonderry in northern Ireland, the bomb makers of Hamas and the IRA observe the rhetoric from the White House and the "state-run" New York media, preaching the "moral imperative" of "bombing for peace." But the IRA and Hamas are not deceived. They know that terror bombs are just that, whether delivered by them in a car or a suitcase or by NATO in an F-117.

The aggrieved little boys in America's school yards, the ones taught by Hollywood that violence is sexy, the ones who have been opening fire on their classmates lately--they too grok the Klintonoids' Orwellian rationale-- that bombs save lives, that war is peace. For them, the CNN and MSNBC newscasts of the NATO carnage are mere video games, flight simulators flashing collateral damage as so many blips on a telescreen, rendering violence a schoolyard game and guaranteeing more of the same.

Orwell's message was that the culture of death would build its empire with the rhetoric of life. Nowhere is this practiced to more deadly effect than in Jerusalem-on-the-Potomac, that giant brothel whose head pimp has once again used "weapons of mass distraction," in the words of Christopher Hitchens, to move world attention away from the latest accusation against him, a charge of rape, the better to implement the rape of Christian Serbia by the rootless denizens of the U.S. Disneyland, "land of the fee, home of the buck."

--©1999 Michael A. Hoffman II

[Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press]

April 4 Update:

IRA Bombers Comment on NATO Bombings

In this writer's preceding column on the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, "Bombing for Peace," I remarked that the bombers of the IRA and Hamas were observing the rationale which NATO and Liar-in-Chief Bill Klinton were furnishing for justifying the bombing of Serbian cities and that, as a result, the IRA and Hamas would pursue their own bombings with greater fervor. My forecast has been confirmed:

The IRA met on Sunday, April 4, in the village of Inniskeen. Some 200 hardened fighters were gathered, among whom were Thomas McMahon, the man who blew up Earl Mountbatten and members of his fishing party in August 1979, and Brian Keenan, who masterminded bomb attacks in England, including the planting of the M62 device which killed nine soldiers, a woman and two children in 1973.

At the April 4 meeting, the IRA men voted to break the 1998 Good Friday truce agreement with Britain and Ulster and refused to decommission their weapons. Keenan cited NATO as one of the IRA's reasons for voting to continue the IRA bombing campaign. He accused Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, of hypocrisy in "bombing Serbians for peace" and stated:

"Brendan Behan said people who drop small bombs are terrorists; people who drop big bombs are governments. That is who we are up against: the biggest terrorists in western Europe." (Cf. Daily Telegraph, April 5, 1999).

Thanks in part to Klinton and NATO, violence and terror are spreading, not diminishing, around the world.


My warning concerning another school shooting as a result of kids learning violence from NATO was confirmed. See: The Columbine Mirror World.

--Michael A. Hoffman II

The Campaign for Radical Truth in History is the Internet arm of The Independent History and Research Company in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The Campaign was established in 1996 to focus public attention on the issues of fraud, censorship, filtered history and politicized journalism.

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